Success Stories

Our Success Stories

Below you can find some of our best success stories from over the years. Each of these stories has been e-mailed to us by grateful families. We have omitted or changed last names, in order to protect the identities of the families.

Our nephew, Hector was diagnosed with diabetes on November 4th, 2015. Since his diagnosis, he and his family have endured many life obstacles. Two major obstacles being that both of his parents lost their jobs and home. Without any income, home, insurance, and stability his A1C hit a 13.

At the age of 12 this young child has had to deal with many other major life problems on top of Juvenile Type 1 Diabetes. Hector came to live with us and our 4 children. As we navigate through countless paperwork, Dr’s appointments, and diabetes to help him survive life we found FDRC. Thank you Family Diabetes Resource Center!

With your help Hector has now purchased the Dexcom to help him better manage his sugar levels daily.With better control of his diabetes he can now get back to what should be most important in life for him, and that’s being a happy and healthy kid again. We absolutely believe that without FDRC this amazing child would not have such a positive future. Hector is a straight A student who plays Pop Warner football. One day he aspires to attend Texas A&M University to pursue a degree in engineering and computer science. Thank you for your positive impact on Hector’s life! He dreams of one day doing the same for other children facing the same obstacles he has.

Sincerely, The Sanchez Family

Success Story Chloe

Hi Kristi, I hope this email finds you well

Chloe was diagnosed in June of this year and it has been a challenge all the way around but with the support from your organization we have been able to provide Chloe with all the nessacary medications to manage her diabetes. My husband and out family couldn’t thank you enough and I hope some day God will allow us to pay it forward! We love you all and we feel so blessed!

Thank you, again. The Tram Family

Success Story Nathan

November 1, 2015, was one of the scariest days of my life. I thought it would be the last day that I would be able to kiss and hold my son, or even tell him I love him.

On that day, my family and I found out my son Nathan was type one diabetic. Trying to process what I had just heard, I also had to deal with the fact that he was in a diabetic ketoacidosis coma. He was in that coma for four days. Since we have found out, things have been hard, but-but he is a fighter, and that gives me strength. Shortly after we found out due to the lengthy hospital stay, and the situation, my fiance and I lost our jobs, and we became homeless. We moved quite a bit, ending up right back in Texas. Nathan became hospitalized again, and the caseworker gave me the website to FDRC. since then, things have really started to look up. we are not where we would like to be just yet, but I am with the full belief that we are on the right track. I am not able to work, and FDRC helps with things Nathan and my other children need, that I at the moment, am not able to provide. My Fiance works, But we are a house of six. Three boys and one girl including ourselves is not an easy task with just one income.

I am truly blessed to have the help of FDRC.

Success Story Anonymous

I want to start off by saying how truly grateful we are to everyone who donated financial support for us during this time. With the help of your donations and financial support, you have made a huge impact in our lives and helped so much with the daily medication my daughter needs. Having diabetes for nearly five years now, has had a huge impact on my daughter and it has been a challenge that we as a family are still continuing to fight and work through. The support and kindness of your organization has allowed my daughter to have better control of her diabetes and given her routine and structure in her life. We can not thank you enough for all of the support and stability you have provided for our family.

Thank you again for all of your compassion!

Success Story Chris


We were referred to FDRC by our Endo’s office, they were just starting their program. As we all know the diabetic’s life is troublesome at times and the cost of co-pays and deductibles can be very stressful to say the least.

We are having financial problems and can’t afford all the co-pays for our son Christopher. He has been a brittle diabetic for 12 years as well as having other medical problems that complicate his life with diabetes.

Success Story Camerom

Hello Kristi,

I wanted to let you know how much a difference your financial assistance has helped me to take care of my son and his medical needs. My son is 16 and was diagnosed with Diabetes almost a year ago. When I tried to get his insulin, test strips and syringes even though we have private insurance the co-pay was over 400.00 a month. When I found your organization I felt so blessed because I did not know how I was going to afford the medicine. The 250.00 that your organization assists with helps my son get his medicine.

Success Story David

My son David was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when he was 3 years old about 3 1/2 years ago around Christmas time. We recently lost our healthcare coverage in October due to job separation and Medicaid has been David’s primary insurance since.

Even though medicaid is a wonderful program and helps with healthcare needs they unfortunately don’t cover enough supplies to last a full month.

Success Story Mendy

After 20 years of employment, my husband was let go from his corporate job. Needless to say, that was a very stressful and difficult time for our family. Along with the income lost, we also lost our medical coverage. 

With a type 1 diabetic daughter, this was devastating for us as parents. After reaching out to her endocrinologist, we were put in touch with FDRC. The fact that this type of assistance is available for families like ours was a total surprise to me. We have never been without medical insurance before and with everything else we were struggling with at the time, I feel so blessed to have found them. Kristi has been amazing and is always so pleasant.

Success Story Gavin

Your organization was gracious to help my son Gavin be able to go to Camp Sweeney this summer. We can’t thank you enough. 

He is currently attending the third session which concludes on August 7. I used every bit of money I could get a hold of to get him there. We had to get a hotel because the trip was so far and because am disabled we needed the extra time. I did not know how I was going to be able to go get him, and with answered prayers, your organization was able to assist us.

Success Story Zander

My son, Zander, was diagnosed at age two with Type1 Diabetes. A few years later when it was time for him to start kindergarten, I tried to get him a continuous glucose monitor (CGM). A CGM shows what a persons blood sugar is 24/7, versus just knowing what it is every time we pricked his finger. 

Having the CGM would make it possible for me to see what his blood sugar was while he was at school and be able to keep him safe. Since he is so young his blood sugar can rise or drop extremely fast which can is very dangerous and unpredictable. Insurance denied our request three times. There was no way we could afford to pay out of pocket for the sensors every month, let alone the start up cost of the receiver and transmitter. I felt so scared helpless. I started desperately searching for anybody who could help us provide our son with this life saving device. Almost every organization I could find only put their funding towards research and finding a cure instead of helping individual kids and families in need. 

After days of searching I found the website for FDRC. After telling them our story and filling out the applications we were approved for financial assistance. They have been a HUGE blessing for my son and our family! Because of their help, we are able to afford to buy the sensors every month for his CGM. It has saved him from what could have been some very dangerous situations and we are able to keep his blood sugar at a much safer range. He is able to get less finger pricks and be able to feel more like just a normal kid.  

We absolutely would not be able to afford it without the generous assistance from FDRC. Our family will forever be grateful to this wonderful organization for providing this kind of help for families like us.  



Success Story Karen

Our gratitude runs deep for the financial support FDRC has shared. God always opens another door sometimes a window and blessings come forward.

Thank you for helping us through this time.


Success Story Brandy

I wanted to express my gratitude for the assistance that FDRC provides my family. I am a one-income single family and we get no other assistance because I work to be able to provide the best care I can for my children. As you know this is extremely difficult as the medical costs are just so expensive. Not only healthcare, medications, supplies, Extra groceries for protein eaters, but the time off for doctors appointments. Also counselors appointments and additional everyday doctors appointments that are not seen but also issues that come along with a lifelong diagnosis like this one. My little family thanks FDRC for their support.

Success Story Ollie

Ollie was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in January of 2020 at the age of two. What we thought was going to be a regular doctor’s appointment quickly turned into our worst nightmare, followed by a week-long stay in the hospital. Ollie is such a strong little boy and is now thriving. We can’t thank FDRC enough for helping us monthly to ensure Ollie has everything he needs to continue thriving. We appreciate FDRC so much. Thank ya’ll and God bless.

Success Story Amanda

This program has been a godsend. Financially it has been tough for us. When we received the first check of $150.00 it brought tears to our eyes. Because we did not know how we were going to get our daughters insulin we all know even with insurance it is not cheap. Thank your FDRC for keeping us afloat.